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Chaska Beach was divided into single-family lots during the 1920s and marketed as the “Ideal Lake Erie Allotment for Summer Homes.” (Video: Steve Bowen, 2009)

Photo for Chaska
Hannah (Hattie) Meeker Stein inherited property along the lakeshore from her parents, A.W. and Cynthia Meeker. In the foreground of this Chaska Entrance photo the rails of the Lakeshore Electric passenger train can be seen.
Photo for Chaska
John Holliger and John Perrin walking up Kiwanis Avenue towards the beach. (Barbara Stein Boeckling photo)
Photo for Chaska
Mrs Stein and her husband, F.L. Stein, named the area “Chaska”, an Indian word meaning first-born son in honor of their oldest son, Wright Meeker Stein. Chaska Beach Lakeway (the Alley). (Barbara Stein Boeckling photo)
Photo for Chaska
Pitcher and Baum cottages. (Barbara Stein Boeckling photo) The family, who lived in Norwalk, built the first summer home in Chaska at the end of Kiwanis Avenue in 1891. The house has since been demolished and replaced. Chaska Beach original beach entrance. (Barbara Stein Boeckling photo)

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